Buona o cattiva, Israele è una potenza

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Austria’s far-right Freedom Party vows ‘new era’ after election win
A projection for ORF public television, based on counting of over 90% of the vote, showed the Freedom Party finishing first with 29.2%. #EuropeNews

@emmevilla on X
🇦🇹 Quando nel 2000 in Austria l’estrema destra andò al governo, gli altri 14 paesi dell’UE imposero sanzioni politiche isolando di fatto il paese. Oggi questo scenario è impossibile perché molti paesi europei sarebbero costretti a sanzionare sé stessi.

Didn’t the EU Learn That These Rule-of-Law Interventions Don’t Work?
When Hungary first starting doing down the path to autocracy after 2010, EU officials were quick to recall the “failed” case of Austria in 1999. Didn’t the EU learn from its experience?

Sul voto l’avviso di von der Leyen sui diritti: “Se va male, abbiamo gli strumenti”
La presidente della Commissione europea parla davanti alla platea di accademici dell’università di Princeton negli Stati Uniti: “La democrazia …

Oettinger: “I mercati insegneranno agli italiani a votare”. Poi il Commissario Ue si scusa
La Deutsche Welle, l’intervistatore e alla fine anche l’intervistato si scusano. Ma la polemica è dura

America Needs a New Strategy to Avert Even Greater Catastrophe in the Middle East
Shuttle diplomacy must be backed by meaningful pressure.
Nasrallah’s Killing Leaves Hezbollah Diminished—With a Void at the Top
An Israeli strike on an underground bunker that killed Hezbollah’s leader of more than three decades has left a gaping void at the top of the world’s most heavily armed nonstate militia and cast a cloud of uncertainty over its future.
Israeli army launches air raids on Yemen’s Ras Isa and Hodeidah | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
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Saudi crown prince said he personally ‘doesn’t care’ about Palestinian issue
Mohammed bin Salman reportedly told Antony Blinken that while he was not concerned about ‘the Palestinian issue’, the young Saudi population were

Strategia anti-Usa di Pechino, che ruolo ha il sottomarino affondato
Il sottomarino affondato all’ancora rappresenta la nuova generazione di hunter-killer della marina cinese. Pechino punta su questi sistemi…
Why Is America Still Flying the A-10 Warthog, a Cold War Relic?
Lawmakers protecting jobs and commerce for their districts block the military from retiring outdated equipment, impairing effort to counter rapidly modernizing Chinese forces
Stati Uniti
With an election looming, the U.S. is approving citizenship applications at the fastest speed in years
Many immigrants want to get citizenship in time to vote in the upcoming election. The Biden administration says the uptick in new citizens is due to efforts to reduce a backlog of applications that mounted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ma non si vede più la puntata…che è successo?