Chi sta dando fuoco alle fabbriche europee?

Indice dei contenuti

@MaistroukV on X
Il fatto che Julian Assange sia a piede libero dimostra per l’ennesima volta la differenza fra l’Occidente e gli altri. Con tutti i difetti, come la democrazia, è la cultura politica e sociale migliore che abbiamo, ed abbiamo il dovere di preservarla.

Meloni verso il sì all’Ursula Von der Leyen bis. E Fitto commissario
La nebulosa degli euro-incarichi e della strategia di Giorgia Meloni rispetto alla Ue (siamo quasi al sì della premier italiana al bis di Ursula von der Leyen) si va finalmente chiarendo in…

Ue: ‘App Apple viola mercato digitale, via a nuova indagine’ – Notizie –
La Commissione Europea ha informato Apple della sua opinione preliminare secondo cui le regole dell’App Store violano il Digital Markets Act (Dma), poiché impediscono agli sviluppatori di app di indirizzare liberamente i consumatori verso canali alternativ… (ANSA)

Vestager slices into Apple again
The outgoing EU competition chief is amping up legal action against the iPhone maker.

Apple ritarda il lancio di nuove funzionalità IA in Europa – Future Tech –
Apple ha annunciato che ritarderà l’implementazione delle sue funzionalità di intelligenza artificiale in Europa a causa di “incertezze normative” legate alla nuova legislazione Ue per frenare il potere delle aziende big tech. (ANSA)
Le Pen Brands Macron’s ‘Civil War’ Comment as Scaremongering
Marine Le Pen said French President Emmanuel Macron’s accusations that the agendas of the far right National Rally and leftist alliance could lead to “civil war” indicate that he knows he’s going to lose the upcoming legislative vote that begins on Sunday.

Who you gonna call when France gets ungovernable?
French political circles are openly discussing the possibility of a very Italian option: an emergency government of experts.
Russia promises retaliation against US for Ukraine strike on Crimea
The Kremlin on Monday squarely blamed the United States for an attack on Crimea with U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles that killed at least four people and injured 151, and Moscow formally warned the U.S. ambassador that retaliation would follow.
Serbia turns blind eye to its ammunition ending up in Ukraine
Moscow-friendly Belgrade exported about €800mn of shells to western allies since 2022

Gli Atacms cambiano lo scenario. Mosca convoca l’ambasciatore Usa dopo il raid sulla Crimea: “Avrà conseguenze” (di L. Santucci)
Il Cremlino minaccia ritorsioni dopo l’attacco “barbaro” a Sebastopoli che ha causato la morte di quattro persone (due bambini), puntando il dito con…
Medio Oriente
With another setback for cease-fire talks, worries of full-scale war for Israel and Lebanon escalate
The prospect of a full-scale war between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia terrifies people on both sides of the border.
Esplosione in fabbrica a Bolzano, 8 feriti tra cui 5 gravi
Leggi su Sky TG24 l’articolo Esplosione in fabbrica a Bolzano, 8 feriti tra cui 5 gravi

Incendio Alpitronic. Controlli dei vigili del fuoco. Attesi i risultati delle analisi chimiche
Un incidente la possibile causa del rogo: circola l’ipotesi di scintille partite da un flessibile che avrebbero raggiunto il tetto, di materiale infiammabile

Corea del Sud, esplode una fabbrica di batterie al litio: almeno 20 morti, diversi dispersi
Tragedia in Corea del Sud. Un enorme incendio è scoppiato in una fabbrica di batterie al litio. Finora sono venti i corpi ritrovati dai vigili del fuoco, ha riferito l’agenzia di stampa…

Major fire breaks out at French plant housing lithium batteries
Some 900 tonnes of lithium batteries were on fire at a battery recycling plant in southern France, authorities said on Sunday, sending a cloud of thick black smoke into the sky above the site.

At least 1 critically injured in explosion and fire at French oil products factory
French authorities say an explosion and fire hit a French factory that treats dangerous substances. One person was critically injured.

At least one dead in Polish weapons factory explosion
A blast occurred at the Mesko arms factory in the southeastern Polish city of Skarzysko-Kamienna on Monday, resulting in a fire and the death of a 59-year-old worker.

Large Cannock parcel centre fire causes huge smoke plume
Residents are also urged to close windows and doors due to the smoke from the fire in Cannock.

Explosion at major BAE Systems weapons factory in UK
TEHRAN, Apr. 17 (MNA) – Fire crews were called to the scene of an explosion at a site belonging to BAE Systems, Britain’s biggest defense firm.

Authorities suspect arson in Lamia food factory fire |
Fire Service investigators have indicated that the recent fire at a food factory in Lamia, central Greece, was an act of arson.

Major Fire Erupts at Cookware Factory in Northern Athens Suburb of Kifissia –
A fire broke out at a cookware factory in Kifissia, north of Athens, on Wednesday.

IRIS-T anti-air system firm’s factory on fire in Germany
According to Adrian Wenzel, a spokesman for the Berlin fire service, the structure had entirely burnt through and a portion of it had fallen.

Germany: Fire breaks out at Berlin metal factory – DW – 05/04/2024
More than 200 firefighters were on site, trying to control the flames. Residents near the factory were advised to keep their windows and doors closed to protect themselves from fumes.

Russia started Berlin factory fire as part of hybrid war on Europe, report says
German police believe a technical defect caused the blaze, but security officials have blamed Russia.

Reports: Fire breaks out at US plant producing shells for Ukraine
MOSCOW: A fire has broken out at a military plant in the US city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, that has been producing munitions, including artillery and…
Stati Uniti

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to admit violating Espionage Act, will be sentenced to time served: DOJ
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reached a plea agreement to admit violating the Espionage Act, to gain his freedom, according to court records.
Biden and Trump will debate on Thursday. Here’s what you need to know
President Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election on Thursday night in Atlanta. Find out how to watch and what to watch for.

How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it
Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift…

Push to let noncitizens vote in this California city hinges on 7 words
The effort to extend voting rights to noncitizens in Santa Ana comes amid a countermove by national and state-level Republicans to explicitly ban the practice.

Civil War 2? Many Voters Think It’s Likely
The possibility that America could face another civil war soon is not too far-fetched for a lot of voters.

‘Trump scherzò sui forni nazi davanti ai dirigenti ebrei’ – Notizie –
Gaffe su Washington: ‘Non ebbe schiavi’. Biden attacca sull’aborto (ANSA)