Riusciranno a fermare Le Pen?

Indice dei contenuti

“Probabile attacco terroristico”, Usa alzano livello allerta basi in Europa
Passato a ‘Charlie’ per un allarme dell’intelligence

Il partito di Le Pen: ‘Al governo anche senza maggioranza assoluta’ – Notizie –
Chenu: ‘Se non riuscirà a nominare un premier Macron si deve dimettere’. Bardella scrive ai francesi: ‘Fate una scelta responsabile’ (ANSA)

Il Rassemblement National ha vinto il primo turno alle legislative francesi – Il Post
Il partito di estrema destra di Marine Le Pen e Jordan Bardella, alleato con Eric Ciotti, ha ottenuto più del 33 per cento dei voti, ma molto si deciderà al secondo turno in programma il 7 luglio

The West Misunderstands Its Own Far Right
The right-wing parties poised to take power aren’t populist. They’re something much worse.
Stati Uniti
Gathered at Camp David, Biden’s family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
While his family was aware of how poorly he performed against Donald Trump, they also continue to think he’s the best person to beat the Republican presumptive nominee.
Boeing Scoops Up Spirit AeroSystems, Its Troubled 737 Supplier
Deal is a bid to fix quality issues by combining the factories that build 737 MAX jets
DOJ to offer Boeing plea agreement for fatal crashes; relatives of victims slam ‘sweetheart deal’
The Justice Department is offering Boeing a plea deal to resolve criminal charges in two fatal crashes overseas, but relatives of victims oppose it.