È fatta così la guerra mondiale?

Indice dei contenuti

Fact check: Is Europe’s car industry in crisis?
The plight of Europe’s automotive sector — and its impact on the economy and jobs — has become a hot political topic. #EuroVerify

North Korea says front-line units ready to strike South Korea if more drones appear
Tensions continue to rise on the peninsula.

Chinese Scientists Report Using Quantum Computer to Hack Military-grade Encryption
Chinese researchers, using a D-Wave device, claim to have executed the first successful quantum attack on widely used encryption algorithms.

La Cina: ‘Mobilitati aerei e navi da guerra intorno a Taiwan’. Gli Usa: ‘Molto preoccupati’ – Notizie –
Pechino: ‘Un severo avvertimento all’indipendenza’. Taipei: ‘Dispiegate forze adeguate intorno all’isola’. Il presidente La: ‘Proteggerò la democrazia dell’isola’ (ANSA)
Scale of Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments
Fears of escalation as China’s intelligence-gathering operation looks to consolidate Xi Jinping’s grip on power amid economic slowdown

ISRAELE IN LIBANO/ “Netanyahu continuerà gli attacchi a Unifil finché l’Onu non se ne va”
Netanyahu non vuole intralci contro Hezbollah. Gli attacchi a Unifil sono deliberati, ma adesso i militari sono esposti a rischi inutili
China Exports Growth Slows in Blow to Economy’s Bright Spot
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Can China’s Latest Stimulus Measures Fix Its Economy?
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Stati Uniti

Boeing Will Cut 17,000 Jobs in Bid to Slash Costs
A new chief executive is restructuring the aerospace manufacturer, which has been losing money for several years while struggling to improve production quality.

Vem Miller, armed man arrested near Trump Coachella rally, denies wanting to hurt ex-prez: ‘Complete bulls–t’
“These accusations are complete bull—t,” Miller told the news outlet. “I’m an artist, I’m the last person that would cause any violence and harm to anybody.”