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Indice dei contenuti
North Korea, Russia sign pact to give all available military help if other is attacked
North Korea and Russia agreed to provide immediate military assistance if either faced armed aggression, under a pact their leaders signed during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s first visit in 24 years.

Putin Once Tried to Curb North Korea’s Nuclear Program. That’s Now Over.
Vladimir Putin promised unspecified technological help to North Korea, which could allow it to advance its nuclear weapons program.

Seul denuncia: ‘L’accordo Kim-Putin viola le risoluzioni dell’Onu’ – Notizie –
La Corea del Sud ‘risponderà severamente a qualsiasi azione minacci la nostra sicurezza’ (ANSA)

Al via il summit tra Putin e Kim, visita ridotta a un giorno – Notizie –
Il presidente russo: ‘Grazie per il sostegno, combattiamo contro decenni di imperialismo degli Stati Uniti’ (ANSA)

La NATO teme che la Russia possa sostenere i programmi missilistici e nucleari della Corea del Nord
La NATO è preoccupata per il sostegno che la Russia potrebbe fornire ai programmi missilistici e nucleari della Corea del Nord, ha detto il capo dell’alleanza martedì (18 giugno) mentre il presidente russo Vladimir Putin iniziava il suo primo viaggio nel solitario Paese dotato di armi nucleari in 24 anni.

Putin’s Hybrid War Opens a Second Front on NATO’s Eastern Border
Destabilizing operations have intensified across the Baltic Sea region. However much they prepare, governments concede they remain one step behind.

The Pivot That Wasn’t
Did America wait too long to counter China?
Stati Uniti
Scorched-earth summer: Biden, Sunak and Macron go negative
Struggling leaders in America, Britain and France are bombarding their political opponents, some of whom are testing the bounds of the mainstream.

There’s No Dodge Button for Disinformation
The United States is trying to use video games to counter propaganda.
Human Verification
Let’s confirm you are human

Misinformation poses a bigger threat to democracy than you might think
In today’s polarized political climate, researchers who combat mistruths have come under attack and been labelled as unelected arbiters of truth. But the fight against misinformation is valid, warranted and urgently required.